drink nice(r): the withers

when: friday 6/25 @ 6pm est

what: i remember the first time tasting with andrew tow, owner of the withers, a few years back and being totally blown away by the beauty of his wines. though i had never heard of the winery before, i immediately understood that something special was going on. 

a little more investigating led me to find that winemaker david low (anthill farms) is also involved in the withers. if you’ve tried or even heard of anthill before, then you already know that their wines are considered by many to be among california’s best. 

for this tasting, andrew will lead us through two of his southern rhone varietal wines. not only are we aiming to showcase the talent of this fine estate, but we will also become acquainted with the successes of growing rhone varieties in california. 

wines (shipping not included):

withers grenache el dorado 2016  $30 + tax

withers cinsault el dorado 2019  $30 + tax