Course Description: Bub(bling)

The world of bubbles is vast and ever-expanding. Made in nearly every wine region, the category can become rather complicated quickly when trying to comprehend every specific style. For our purposes, we will focus on two regions: Champagne and Cava. 

Course Objective: Learn (Drink)

We will compare and contrast both wines, understanding the differences in how they are made and, thus, how they taste. 

Course Materials: 

Cavas Bertha Brut Nature 2017 $16
Robert Barbichon Blanc de Noirs Brut NV $38

Both bottles are available through me and can be delivered within two days of your order. Wine is charged directly to your card with no mark-upThe cost of attendance is $25 (which also covers cost of delivery within the city) and can be paid via Venmo (@Brandon-Borcoman). A zoom link will be sent once Venmo payment is received.

Required Reading: None

But for the token overachievers, the following links will provide some extra context.



Classroom Hours: 

We will begin at 6pm EST on Friday (5/8) and expect to end around 7pm. 

Keep in mind:

You will be opening two bottles of wine, so your approved quarantine buddies are more than welcome to join--the more participation, the better. However, I do encourage everyone to practice safe social distancing. Keep in mind, the wines will be just as delicious the day after.

If you are preparing snacks for the class, think: cheese and meats. 

Hope to see you soon and feel free to reach out with any questions. If you know someone who would like to join, have them email:

Drink (and be) well,