This class will take a different turn. It will be about wine, of course, but it will be more than just that. I want to celebrate the community we've created by giving back to the community around us. We are all weathering this storm as best we can and many of us have taken personal hits. Hopefully, we are starting to see the light shining through at the end, but I also know some whom are living in near total darkness. I used to work in restaurants (in fact I've worked in restaurants for nearly 15 years) and in those years, I've met many people who live on the fringe. Those who have lived off minimum wage, who have continually worked 70 hour weeks, who have somehow found the strength to send money back home and STILL showed up smiling every day. A few of my former coworkers are unable to apply for unemployment and are now facing the realties of financial depression. The class fee for this week will go to those who are in a rather desperate situation. We will not only raise a glass to us, for making it as far as we have, for getting together each week to share smiles and laughter. But we will also raise a glass to everyone who is not on our screens, who may need an extra piece of brightness.
Course Description: Rosé for the People
Rosé is many things. For some, it's a simple means to an end but for others, it represents one of the more complicated wine niches in the drinking world (think Tempier, Lopez de Heredia, Chateau Simone). This class will explore both ends of the spectrum and everything in between.
Course Objective: Learn (Drink)
We are going to taste two different rosés (both sourced directly from small California wineries), understand how they are made, and explore the many different styles within the category
Course Materials:
Monte Rio Cellars Dry White Zinfandel: $21
Habit Rosé: $23
Both bottles are available through me and can be delivered within two days of your order. Wine is charged directly to your card with no mark-up. The cost of attendance is $25 (which also covers cost of delivery within the city) and can be paid via Venmo (@Brandon-Borcoman). Since the class fee will be donated, you are more than welcome to add an additional amount :)
A zoom link will be sent once Venmo payment is received.
Required Reading: None
But for the token overachievers, the following links will provide some extra context.
Habit Wines
Monte Rio Cellars
Cellar-worthy Rosé?
Classroom Hours:
We will begin at 6pm EST on Friday (5/1) and expect to end around 7pm.
Keep in mind:
You will be opening two bottles of wine, so your approved quarantine buddies are more than welcome to join--the more participation, the better. However, I do encourage everyone to practice safe social distancing. Keep in mind, the wines will be just as delicious the day after.
If you are preparing some snacks for the class--lighter cheeses and meats.
Hope to see you soon and feel free to reach out with any questions. If you know someone who would like to join, have them email:
Drink (and be) well,