Course Description: Burgundy 

We'll study Fabien Coche's Bourgogne Blanc 2016 and Bourgogne Rouge Cote d'Or 2017.  These wines exist not only as perfect introductions to the region but also highlight many of the key characteristics that separate Burgundy from the rest of the world. 

Course Objective: Learn (Drink)

We will investigate the nuances of Chardonnay and Pinot Noir in an effort to better understand the grapes and the region they come from. 

Course Materials: 

Fabien Coche Bourgogne Blanc 2016 $24 (compare at $35 retail)
Fabien Coche Bourgogne Rouge 2017 $24 (compare at $33 retail)

Both bottles are available through me and can be delivered within two days of your order. Wine is charged directly to your card with no mark-up. The cost of attendance is $25 which also covers cost of delivery.

Required Reading: None

But for the token overachievers, the following is helpful.

A brief intro 

More in-depth

Coche Bourgogne info

Coche General info

Classroom Hours: 

We will begin at 6pm on Friday (3/27) and can expect to end around 7pm.

Keep in mind:

You will be opening two bottles of wine, so your approved quarantine buddies are more than welcome to join--the more participation, the better. However, be safe!

Hope to see you soon and feel free to reach out with any questions.

Drink (and be) well,